English Title
[Interview; The challenge to Susutainability of Pizza 4P’s Carrying on the happiness for future.]
「Pizza 4P’s」
そんなPizza 4P’sが今、ベトナムの他のレストランに先立って新たな取り組みを行っている。
Pizza 4P’sのサステナビリティ担当の永田氏に話を伺った。
“Pizza 4P’s”
Probably there is no one who doesn’t know this restaurant name in Vietnam.
Pizza 4P’s is the pizza chain restaurant which managed by Japanese; 8 branches in Ho Chi Minh City, 4 branches in Hanoi,1 branch in Danang, and 1 branch in Nha Trang.
Now their new project, approaching to “Food Sustainability”, is getting attentions from local restaurants.
It must be difficult to success this project, especially in South East Asia. Then we interviewed Mr.Nagata, who is in charge of the Sustainability project in Pizza 4P’s, about their big challenge.
4年半カンボジアで暮らしていました。最初の2年間は、カンボジアで野菜販売している日系の農業の会社で働いていました。ある時、その会社でPizza 4P’sの自家製チーズをカンボジアの代理店として販売することになり、そこでPizza 4P’sのオーナーの益子と出会いました。その後、再エネ関係の会社に転職して2年半ほど働きました。ちょうどその時益子がPizza 4P’sで環境配慮のポジションを探していて、誘われたのが入社へのきっかけです。
What made you to join Pizza 4P’s?
I used to work in Cambodia for 4 and half years. In first 2years, I was belonged to Japanese agriculture company which is selling organic vegetables. One day, my company became a distributor to sell Pizza 4P’s cheese in Cambodia. This was the first time to meet Pizza 4P’s CEO Masuko.
After this meeting, I changed my job, and started to work in a renewable energy business company for 2years and half. I learned about energy and environment there. At that time, Masuko was seeking someone for a job position of environmental team, and he asked me to join.
サステナビリティへの取り組みは、ちょうど去年あたりから始まりました。1番最初は、Da Lat(ダラット)にある自社チーズ工場でチーズを作るときに出るホエー(牛乳から乳脂肪分やカゼインなどを除いた水溶液)を「Thien Sinh Farm(ティエンシンファーム)」という農場に引き取ってもらって、農業利用や牛のエサとなる牧草の肥料として活用してもらったことが始まりです。毎日、500kgのチーズを作るのに3000リットルものホエーが出るのですが、それを全て農業利用としてリユースしています。
そして、去年の半ばからミミズコンポストの試験(店舗からでる生ゴミをミミズに食べさせてコンポストを作る)も始め、ホーチミン2区のXuan Thuy店に導入しました。
Xuan Thuy店では、ミミズコンポスト以外にも太陽光発電を取り入れたり、畑で野菜やハーブを無農薬で作るなどの取り組み、ミミズコンポストからできた堆肥を店内の野菜やハーブなどの肥料として使ったり、レストランの敷地内にある池に魚を飼い、魚の糞尿が入った池の水をフィルターでろ過することで野菜の養分として菜園へ再利用する「アクアポニックス」も行っています。4P’sの数ある店舗の中でも、Xuan Thuy店は他の店舗と比べてかなりサステナビリティを取り入れた特色ある店舗です。
How do you approach to “Food Sustainability”?
Our sustainability project has started since last year. First, we focused on whey (the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained). It is produced in a process of cheese making in our factory in Da Lat, and to make 500kg cheese, 3,000littles whey is produced every day. We give our whey to “Thien Sinh Farm”, and they use it as fertilizer for pasture. Happily, now all our whey is reused for agriculture.
These days, plastic waste issue has been more taken people’s attention. To approaching this matter, we stopped to use plastic straw, and shifted to use metal one instead.
Since half a year before, we have been testing vermicompost in Xuan Thuy restaurant in District 2, Ho Chi Minh City.
Not only vermicompost, Xuan Thuy restaurant has been taking several projects. For example, Xuan Thuy restaurant is using solar energy system, and growing vegetable and herbs by using fertilizer comes from vermicompost. Another challenging is “Aquaponix”. We are keeping some fishes in the pond, and by filtering water from there, fish excreta are taken. Then we apply it for our vegetable garden as a water with natural fertilizer.
Xuan Thuy店で飼育しているミミズ Earthworm in vermicompost
Xuan Thuy店では「エデュテイメント」というコンセプトで、サステナビリティを伝えようとしています。エデュテイメントとは簡単に言うと、楽しみながら学ぶということです。例えば、子どもたちにピザ作り体験を通して料理を作る楽しさを知ってもらったり、店内のハーブガーデンでバジルなどのハーブを子どもが自分たちで収穫して自分のピザにトッピングしたり、そういった活動を通して食の大切さを学んでもらっています。
私たちにとってのサステナビリティとは、4Psのビジョンである「Make the World Smile for Peace」を達成するためになくてはならない「土台」のようなものです。何故ならば、この社会がサステナブルにならなければ、誰も笑顔になれないのではないか、という危機感があるからです。子供の世代が幸せであるように、今ある幸せを繋いでいくために、エデュテイメントという形で楽しくサステナビリティについて学んでもらえたら嬉しいです。
What is “Edutainment”?
Xuan Thuy restaurant has a concept of sharing the idea of “Food Sustainability”. We named it “Edutainment”, which aims to learn something while having fun. For example, we hold pizza making workshop, and children learn how fun to cook there. What is more, they can have the harvest experience of herbs, such as basil. And the basil leaves are used for toppings of their pizzas at the end of the pizza making workshop. We expect that these lessons make children to realize the importance of food.
Ideas of “Food Sustainability” is like a foundation to achieve our company vision “Make the World Smile for Peace”. Because we think if this society ignore the efforts for Sustainability, no one can smile. We believe that Edutainment can contribute to the future happiness of next generations. And I am happy if children get more interests to “Food Sustainability” through these lessons.
2区Xuan Thuy店 Pizza 4P’s Xuan Thuy in District 2, Ho Chi Minh City
このようなかたちで、Pizza 4P’sは「美味しいの先」を目指しています。
What is your goal of “Food Sustainability Project”?
Our definition of Food Sustainability as a restaurant is referred to the one of Sustainable Restaurant Association (SRA) based in the UK. We examined our suitability level as seeing their method, and our sustainable score was only 28% (SRA defines 100% is the most sustainable). As a restaurant, what we give the 1st priority is the customer satisfaction by serving nice dishes. Striving for higher score of sustainability is important, however, we should not neglect a burden on our staffs. To seeking better result with taking care of employees, it is important to encourage them to spontaneously think this matter, like “What is suitability? “or “What can I do to be suitable?”. Now we are planning to make a program to learn about Food Sustainability related topics, such as climate changing and garbage disposal method.
Now I feel the attitude of our staff has been changed. When I asked staffs in each restaurant what kinds of activities they were interested in, I’ve got interesting voices; “I want to make a recipe which can support poor farmers”, and “We should stop to use paper for receipt. I know it’s not easy to practice these ideas, but I have no choice to say “No”, right?
We have been taking action to reduce the amount of plastic take away containers used as much as possible within this year. And there are more plans; changing wet tissue to less environmental impact one, expanding the using of solar energy system in other branches, and adopting an energy saving system.
When you hear the word “Sustainable”, you may image about environmental issues. But, I think, it contains more various elements. For instance, it is also sustainable matter for a restaurant to consider about customers, working staffs and local community. Pizza 4P’s has started to recruit job seekers who have been grown in orphan support groups, by in cooperating with NGO supporting orphans.
In my company, various plans have been moved forward, such as a training program to learn sustainability, menu development corroborated with local organic farmers, and improving of vermicompost. Now we are preparing the 1st sustainability report of pizza 4P’s.
Through these activities, we are aiming ahead of “delicious”.
店内の畑で栽培している植物 Cultivated plants in restaurant’s garden
現在、4P’sのルッコラは全てThien Sinh Farmという有機農園から買っています。ルッコラは4P’sのピザやサラダ、前菜など多くのメニューに使われている、私たちにとって非常に重要な食材です。この食材を有機農園から買うということは、お客様へ安全なものを提供したいという気持ちはもちろんですが、ベトナム国内ではまだまだ数少ない持続可能な農業を少しでも支援したいという4P’sとしての思いがあります。
Dou you know any sustainable activities which restaurants can easily start in Vietnam?
I recommend buying ingredients from local armers or producers.
Rocket leaf, which we use for pizza, salad and appetizers, is one of the most important ingredients for us. We purchase all organic rocket from Thien Sinh Farm. This is because to use safer vegetable for dishes, and we want to support few sustainable agriculture farmers in Vietnam.
What is more, we used shitake mushroom for seasonal menu in this year was grown by ethnic minority group in Lang Biang mountain, Dalat. They used to grow coffee tree. However, it was pointed out the influence on deforestation. By shifting coffee to mushroom, there is no need to cut down trees, and more income can be expected for farmers. This is the great point of this project, I think. By using organic shitake mushroom, it makes both customers in our restaurant and farmers happy. How amazing isn’t it?
For farmers, it is happy if their corps are sold, but it does not always directly link to help them. If restaurants force farmers to provide a stable supply or unreasonable price reduction, or if restaurants purchase smaller amount of vegetable than they promised, it must be desperate to construct a great relationship. But these are common cases between restaurants and suppliers…
Sadly, restaurants tend to show a firm stance to farmers, because they are buyers. I realized this through the experience in vegetable selling company, in Cambodia. This is not surprising on business situations, but it makes more distance between restaurant and farmers. In developing countries such as Vietnam, it is very hard to find nice farmers. So that restaurants owner should realize that they will not be able to continue a business without good ingredients.
There is a restaurant in Spain, named “Azurmendi”, which was commended as the most sustainable restaurant in the world. And this restaurant is known for their great relationship with local suppliers. Azurmendi gives all guests its original books, on which illustrations of suppliers were drawn. And farmers occasionally come to Azurmendi’s kitchen to see staffs. Their closer relationship is beyond the one of seller and buyer. I believe “Restaurants can change agriculture”, and the situation will be improved if more restaurant owners in Vietnam share this mind.
In other words, Restaurant and farmers must be a partner who has the same goal. To buy ingredients from suppliers is not a goal. To find a real goal, restaurants should start by communicating with farmers more and more. They probably have more unique ideas, passions and dreams than we think.
Finally, if you are working in a restaurant, and have an interest in sustainable projects in Vietnam, please consider to find good farmers. And I feel so happy if you can build a great relationship with farmers by using their ingredients in your restaurant.
[Pizza 4P’s Xuan Thuy]
Address 48/01 đường Xuân Thủy, phường Thảo Điền, quận 2
Line +84-28-3622-0500
Open Mon – Sun: 10:00 – 23:00 (LO: 22:30)
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